Sunday, May 03, 2009


I am so excited! We got a flyer on the door a couple days ago. It was for this place called Narrow Tree nursery. They mostly sell to contractors and are not usually open to the public. Well it is their May sale and they are open this weekend and next. Also a free climbing rose bush for Mothers. So we went to look. It is a really nice place.

Well we ended up with 3 trees. One blue spruce, one elm and one other evergreen tree. They are all BIG. Maybe 8 feet ? Anyway, they would have been super expensive but they were some bargain clearance trees. The elm is not perfectly straight, but you have to look for the imperfection. Whatever! It is a gorgeous tree. The evergreen and the spruce I couldn't find the problem with them. Anyway, all that to say we got them for $75 each! Then $100 for them to plant all 3 of them. $60 for delivery to our farm. Planting includes the tree stakes and mulching them. Wow! Plus I got my free rose bush.

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