WHEEE!!! It is so exciting. We are on the countdown for the Italy trip. We leave March 1st. Less than two months. My Italian speaking is nowhere near as good as I hoped. So I am cracking down on the kids and I. Massimo can get on board or be highly embarrassed when he can't keep up. His family was sad last time that he didn't remember very much. He was born in Italy and it is his first language. It is in his brain, he just needs to dig it out.
I booked our hotel room for Rome.
Click here and be all jealous! We thought we wanted something outside of town in a rural area to explore, but reality made us realize that with small children it is better to be next to all the public transportation. The airport is about 20 miles or so outside of town, but we can take the train into Rome, so hopefully it won't be any big deal.
I had a major scare concerning all this last night. When I booked the airline tickets I had to call on the phone because Expedia was acting up. So the lady was supposed to email my itinerary. I never got it. It was back in September. I remembered that my credit card statement had the airline info on it. SO I called US Airways and asked them to look up my info so I could print it out, etc.. The can't find it. They search by ticket number, credit card number, all that. Finally they find it. After 30 agonizing minutes. The other concern I had was the flight stops were listed wrong on my credit card. Luckily, when they finally found out tickets, the flights were all correct. Turns out they misspelled our last name on the tickets. They spelled it with a T instead of P. I was so relived they found the tickets that I forgot to ask her to change it. Oh well, I will call again today and have them correct it. Shouldn't take long since I have all the info and confirmation number in front of me.