Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Pecan trees and a new chicken house.

Did you mother every tell you your Eyes were bigger than your Stomach? or some variation of that. It is supposed to mean that you thought you were hungry and all the food looks so good, but you just couldn't eat it all. I think that applies to farming/gardening as well.

Hence the arrival of our 40 pecan trees today. We ordered the Pecan Tree Bundle from the MO Dept of Conservation. I am super happy with the look of these trees. They are a good size. 1-3 feet and have at least 12 inch root systems on them. I think these might actually live.
We always have some project on our plate that needs done NOW! Like the chicken house, or
planting these trees. We just get so excited and want to have all this cool stuff going on NOW! LOL.

Well the Chicken Coop is mostly done. It only needs the wheels put on and tin on the door. As you can see the coop is just a frame with chicken wire on the pen part and tin covering the house part. This makes it pretty lightweight. DH and I can move it with a little effort to new spots. With the wheels on it will be a cinch to move. The door in the back opens all the way up which gives great access. Also I don't get poop on my shirt leaning in like I did on the other house. Thirdly, when I want to clean this, I can literally get a broom and sweep it out.

Last but not least for today is this guy. A few days ago I saw a Hummingbird was back so we got the feeder out and before I even made it back to the house he was over eating. We saw a total of 3 at once today. I snapped this good picture of him. They are SOO tiny!

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