Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hi everyone! Tired of looking at my chickens yet. LOL! Well I just had to share a couple more of my handsome Roosters. We FINALLY got the new red coop finished and the birds are in! They seem to be really loving the room to move around in there. Its only been one day but I could tell they had been up on the roost I made and also in the nesting boxes. So that is good news.

Here is Francoise, our Maran rooster.

Here is Bunny our Easter Egger/Ameruacana Rooster.


Sarah said...

Awesome roosters!!! Will they fight since there is more than one or do they not compete?

mamaperreca said...

Sarah, right now they still get along. They have been together since they were chicks so I think that helps.

Christina said...

They look beautiful! I'm showing them off to Antonio. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yummy, Looks mighty tasty!!!
Ha! Mom